Monday - Friday
9:00 - 4:00
1203 Paterson Plank Rd
Secaucus, NJ 07094



Christine Aguilera

Health Officer:
Janet Castro, MPH

Health Inspector:
Natalia Shindin

Administrative Assistant:
Linda O’Connor

(201) 330-2031


Town Hall
20 Centre Ave
Secaucus, NJ 07094-3287


Health Department Announcements

Health Department Mission

The goal of Secaucus Health Department is to promote a healthier lifestyle as well as protect and improve quality of life for our residents. We are dedicated to keeping everyone informed on all subjects related to health prevention and promotion, community health, public health education, and code enforcement.


Secaucus Health Department seeks to empower our residents to make informed and educated health decisions and to deliver quality, consumer-focused municipal services with an emphasis on public health safety.

Public Health Services

  • Inspection of all retail food establishments, salons, and public bathing facilities
  • Response to residential public health, property maintenance, and animal nuisance complaints
  • Investigation of food borne illnesses and food related outbreaks
  • Response to public health outbreaks
  • Licensure of all retail food establishments and pets